Revestimiento de electrodomésticos
Una casa sin un revestimiento adecuado para electrodomésticos puede ser muy peligrosa. A medida que las chimeneas envejecen, las tejas de arcilla existentes en el interior pueden comenzar a deteriorarse, lo que permite que se produzcan obstrucciones y que los gases nocivos regresen a su hogar. Estos mismos gases producen vapores de agua/humedad que se filtran a través de la mampostería y atacan los ladrillos y las juntas a su paso. Cuando una chimenea no está revestida o es demasiado grande, siempre se producirá condensación. Esta condensación deteriorará lentamente la chimenea con el tiempo, lo que provocará desconchados, juntas de mortero faltantes y coronas agrietadas. Es importante que nuestros profesionales inspeccionen e instalen un revestimiento del tamaño adecuado que se adapte a los dispositivos de ventilación actuales de su hogar.

Even if your home doesn't have a fireplace, you most definitely have a furnace and water heater. While some homes have high efficiency units that vent out of the side of the homes, a good majority of homes in Chicago and it's suburbs look like this. The furnace and/or water heater's chimney is commonly referred to as the "appliance flue" or "utility flue". This part of your home needs even more attention than your fireplace due to you using them every single day!
The health of these liners is incredibly important to the efficiency of your furnace and water heater as well as the safety of your home. Some common problems Ignite runs into are...

Carbon Monoxide Leaks: One of the most serious concerns is the potential for carbon monoxide leaks. A damaged liner can allow combustion gases, including carbon monoxide, to escape into your home rather than being safely vented outside. Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, making it extremely dangerous as it can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be fatal.
Decreased Efficiency: A damaged liner can affect the efficiency of your furnace or water heater. The liner is designed to help direct combustion gases up and out of your home, and if it's damaged, these gases may not be efficiently vented, leading to decreased efficiency and higher energy bills.
Increased Fire Risk: If the damage to the liner is severe enough, it can increase the risk of a fire. A compromised liner may allow heat to escape and come into contact with combustible materials nearby, leading to a potential fire hazard.
Corrosion and Structural Damage: A damaged liner can also lead to corrosion and structural damage within the furnace or water heater itself. The liner helps protect the interior components from corrosive combustion byproducts, so if it's compromised, these components may be at risk of damage.
Moisture Issues: While some homes have switched to high efficiency furnaces, this change will lead to an incorrect sized liner for the water heater to vent. Too big of a space will not allow the gasses and moisture to escape quickly enough, forcing water to form and cause damage inside the home and deteriorate the chimney itself.
If you haven't had your appliance liner system inspected or have old aluminum or sectional liners, please give Ignite a call for your inspection and estimate!